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Boo Amp Woo Double Trouble 1.0.2
Screen Shots:
Once upon a time, on a planet far far away, lived two little creatures - their names were Boo and Woo.
They liked to jump. In fact they were happy only when they jumped. And ate. Two types of candies were a specialty for them: little stars and little hearts. The hearts were very special, if they ate enough of them, they were so happy that they radiate a shield around them which protected them from hits. And they were whacked because they could jump high and very high, sometimes they even performed somersaults.
Now their fate is in your fingers.
Jump! Eat! Jump and eat!
Try to make them happy as long as possible!
Main features of "Boo and Woo: Double Trouble"
★ cute graphics and animations
★ great background music
★ designed for both, phones and tablets
How to play
→ tap left and right to jump with Boo and Woo
→ double-tap to jump high
→ avoid all squares
→ collect stars for points and bonus level (50 stars)
→ collect four hearts to get the shield
★★★ "Boo and Woo: Double Trouble" - Simple Hard.Addictive ★★★