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Boom Pirates Beach 2.2
Screen Shots:
Boom Pirates Beach a classic game but appeared with a new style with beautiful graphics and support platforms like WP, iOS and Android, this is one addictive game Boom for the love that kind of game bombings , tactical thinking. You will get to play the first boat to find treasure buried in different lands, along the way there will be plenty of challenges to you, explore and experience offline!
How to play game Boom Pirates Beach :
You have to control character move in 4 directions, the direction of travel judgment of AI to bomb focal AI, after AI destroy enough demand, you have to find the key and chest hidden in wooden crates to move to next level
Features of Boom Pirates Beach:
-2 Move by choice or joystick button
-3 Map session with 15 players
-8 AI levels from easy to difficult
Multiple-item and item to appear anti random
Version suitable for most devices running android 2.3.1 or higher from support HD resolution from phone to tablet computers, here is the first version and also the first product of our look forward to the contributions of your comments. Please send comments or mail your comment immediately about: .
This is a new version off Boom Offline. We hope to receive your support!