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Breakout Pong Arcade 3d Plus
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Breakout Pong Arcade 3D Plus is a blockbusting new game for your Windows Phone. Best of all, it is absolutely free to play!
Breakout Pong Arcade 3D Plus features 3 exciting game modes, with each one designed to challenge you in different ways. We've put a new spin on some arcade classics, bringing brand new dimensions to these revolutionary games:
Breakout: Smash the ball off the bat to break the multiple layers of blocks and beat the highscore. Breaking multiple blocks in a row will cause your score to multiply in this blockbuster game. If you’re a fan of Atari’s Breakout or Taito’s Arkanoid, you’ll love this!
Pong: Can you beat the enemies Ping with your Pong? Based on the classic game of table tennis, you’ll have to blitz the fiendish enemy AI to become king. Each game is unique as the enemy AI randomly changes difficulty with each new game. This is a new dimension for the archetypical arcade classic.
You’ll have these two great games to play forever when you download the free version. If you want to upgrade, you can go from Lite to Premium and get a whole new mode.
Juggling: A hectic new gamemode in which you juggle an ever increasing number of balls. Drop 3 and you lose! This thrilling gamemode will challenge even the most hardcore of gamers.
- Easy to use menu interface
- Full 3D
- Stylish HD graphics
- Game saves high scores so you can challenge your friends
- An original soundtrack
A must play for fans of Super Pong, Pinball, and Super Breakout by Atari; Arkanoid 2000, DS, and Live by Taito; Quester by Namco; Alleyway and Kirby’s Block Ball by Nintendo, Vortex by Apple, Nervous Brickdown from Eidos, Gnop by Bungie, Table Tennis by Magnavox Odyssey, and fans of arcade classics like Tetris.
Pong Breakout Pinball Ping Block Brick Breaker Buster Smash Smasher Kings Atari Bat Ball Pong Classic Arcade 3D HD Beer Table Tennis Free Demo Trial Lite Upgrade Premium Blitz Deluxe Live Score Attack Challenge Juggling Circus