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Bubble Blast Adventure 1.0.1
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Come discover the fabulous world your favorite Bubble Blast live in!
Bubble Blast Adventure is an exciting Platformer where you must race through the levels collecting special items and defeating the evil Bubble Square Tribe.
The Bubble Square Tribe has invaded the beautiful kingdom the Bubble Blast have peaceful lived in for centuries. While invading the kingdom, the tribe has stolen Bubble Blast artifacts, which represent the greatest source of power in the entire kingdom. As you venture through the various levels and take back the Bubble Blast Kingdom, you will be in charge of recovering them all. The kingdom’s future is at stake.
Bubble Blast Adventure features
- Unique Art design
- Platforming Actions: Rolling, Jumping and Exploding Bubble Blast
- Super easy to play, yet very intricate gameplay
- Hidden keys, gateways and treasures
- Over 100 fun levels to discover
- Interactive shop to boost your abilities all throughout the game
- Customizable Bubble Blast characters. How cool will your Bubble Blast be?
- The game is Tablet ready and supports 15+ Languages