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Burger 1.0.7
Screen Shots:
Want to be a master-chief?
A burger-serving game is coming now for your best enjoyment in a free version with the Magma Mobile’s touch!
You are hired in a chain restaurant to serve clients as fast as possible to earn money and even tips for yourself. Take orders from your customers and make a recipe among sandwiches, garnishes, desserts and sodas. The more you will play, the more ingredients will appear in the fast-food!
Take up the challenge and try the Career Mode to cope with a higher difficulty each day of the year!
Work from Monday to Saturday and reach your goal to get more money and new ingredients for the service. Then if you are a great employee, you will even unlock a lot of achievements!
Time is money!
Try also to do your best in the Time Attack Mode to collect a maximum of coins within the time limit!
This time management game will definitely entertain and challenge you and your family!
Features of Burger:
-Ingredients’ list : bread, meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese, onion, cucumber, mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, bacon, fish, muffins, ice creams, french fries, potatoes and sodas
-More than 300 levels and 40 achievements for burger’s maniac
So come play Burger and become the master king of burgers!