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California Chainsaw Massacre Vserv
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California Chainsaw Massacre **For Nokia_S40_2_128x128**
On September 13th 1973, Thomas Hewitt, known as the infamous ‘Leather Face’, was sharpening an axe in his workshop in rage. Yesterday's mistake was simply tearing him apart with fury. How? How could she run away, got out from his simple and crystal clear world? Where is she now? Running in to a police station? Crying for help? Who would believe her? No, there shouldn’t be any complications at all. Nevertheless it would be good to find the little girl. With an idea about what he would make with her body parts later, Thomas Has had a wonderful sensation in his stomach, and in the depths of his workshop his tools sparkled.
Somewhere in the distance a muffled shot was fired. It would be good, if this shot was connected with his missing victim, ‘Leather Face’ thought. Moments later a phone rings in the depth of the house. The excited girl wished to meet the sheriff urgently. This case was taking another intense twist. Perhaps, it is time to dust off that chainsaw and welcome the young visitors, who so unexpectedly appeared in the neighbouring small village.
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