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Cat Vs. Dog 3.0
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Sassy vs. Bobby 猫狗大战
Sassy vs. Bobby is a great game for everyone! On sale now! 50% off! Limited time offer!
It's a windy day! Sassy (cat) and Bobby (dog) are naughty again! Instead of enjoying the quiet beach, they are throwing stuff at each other over the volleyball net. Who is gonna be the winner?
How to play:
Click and hold over Sassy or Bobby on their turn. Power meter will increase until released. Watch the wind meter to measure your throw. You can click special items before your throw.
Special items include:
1. Double attack
2. Power throw (cause more damage)
3. Power up (for recovery, once clicked, your turn will be over)
***** Elegant design with nice sound effects.
***** Funny animations
***** Single player or double player mode, fun game to play against your friends.
***** No network support is needed, enjoy it whenever you want it.
Any questions or suggestions, please kindly send emails to, thanks for your support.
Copyright © 2009 Farawayboy Inc. All rights reserved!
猫狗大战适用于iPhone/iPod Touch的所有版本, 无需网络支持, 随时随地享受游戏的快乐
宁静的海边吹着海风, 只是,谁在那边吵闹? 原来是Sassy猫和Bobby狗, 它们又开始调皮了, 隔着排球网, 它们朝着对方扔起了东西, 谁会赢呢? 让我们拭目以待吧
按住游戏角色, 力度条会积蓄能量,放开角色就会扔出物件. 风向会影响落点, 注意看上部的风向指示. 在扔出之前, 可以点选三种特殊道具
Double attack 道具 : 一次攻击变为两次
Power throw 道具: 大型物件攻击, 若砸中,对方损失更多
Power up 道具: 给自己补血, 选择后将轮到对方攻击.
***** 精美的游戏设计,好听的游戏声音
***** 搞笑的游戏人物小动画
*****支持单人和双人模式, 非常适合和朋友对战.
*****完全无需网络支持, 随时随地都可以玩.
谢谢您对 Farawayboy Inc.的支持, 任何问题或建议, 欢迎发送到
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