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Citizen Kake Hd A Trouble In Tin Town Adventure 1.01.1
Screen Shots:
Citizen Kake is a free version of the strategy game Trouble in Tin Town, featuring wind-up toys your mom would never have approved of. Citizen Kake comes with an all new mini-campaign and game play features. Each level contains different goals such as trapping a giant ape and disabling an aggressive pyramid. These feats must be accomplished while battling other toys from the Kandy Kingdom and the Best Forgotten Island.
The campaign story centers around the death of a reclusive cupcake known as Charles Bananas Foster Kake. You play as the Historical faction, guiding William Shakespeare and Davy Crockett as they work together to solve a Tin Town conspiracy. Just who is the mysterious Jim Big?
Each toy has special attacks that can be upgraded with coins earned during play. New characters become unlocked as levels are completed. Additional levels, characters, and campaigns are available in the full Trouble in Tin Town game, available now in the App store.
◈ Gameplay video:
What people are saying:
“It’s clear from the word 'go' that developer Jovian Minds has paid a lot of attention to environment and atmosphere. Menus and units look as though they've been taken from a wind-up toy set, and the witty mid-battle dialogue gently mocks each toy's real-life counterpart.” - PocketGamer
“There are currently three different campaigns to complete, each with their own set of unique wind-up toys and environments to enjoy. The game is also highlighted by clever dialogue exchanges that are in keeping with the toys and characters they represent, resulting in a fun storyline that's enjoyable from start to finish.” - AppSpy
“We look forward to whatever updates are coming down the pipeline, as Trouble in Tin Town has the potential to be one of the best strategy games on the App Store.” - SlideToPlay
“Get your feet off the table!” - Mom
◈ Now with Skirmish mode and Game Center achievements!
Pick your favorite faction, your favorite level, your favorite enemy, tweak the settings and battle your toy heart out.
✥ Game Center support with tons of achievements
✥ All characters have strategic strengths and weaknesses
✥ Choose to play each level in 'Easy' or 'Normal' difficulty mode
✥ Cupcakes!
✥ Strategic hazards
✥ Fast, mass AI movement. No waiting!
✥ Move your units fast, tap and go!
◈ Also check out our iPhone version of Citizen Kake, as well as the full version of Trouble in Town Town with 3 epic campaigns!