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Code Survivor 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
Presented by piplay
This brilliant shooting simulation game is not only addicting but is also 100% FREE!
In "Code Survivor", you have no ammo (weapon) because the ammo is your very own enemy! Your goal is to avoid them for as long as you can. Each second you stay in the game is very essential as it is going to be your very score. Stay longer, stay top in the ranks!
Beware as this game needs not only hand and eye coordination, stream of smooth hand pulse plays a great deal of help as well. You need to be vigilant, focused and analytical to determine the patterns of attack of the infinite bombs coming from different directions. Find the secret, find the code for survival! And your victory will then be announced to your friends and to the world as it is posted in Facebook, and in our Friends and World Ranking facilities.
Go and put yourself to the test! And then tell us know you feel about it by rating and posting your comments here or directly email us at Just like if you want more bomb attack patterns, you might just have it~
Summary Features:
- High fluency and performance game play
- Friends Ranking and World Ranking Lists
- FACEBOOK Scores and Ranks Posting
- Outstanding environment design with well-calculated bullet loci
- Controlled by iPhone accelerator