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Congkak Mancala 1.1.2
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The classic and traditional Congkak game is now available for your Android devices!
Congkak is a variant of Mancala game that often played in Malaysia, Indonesia (Congklak), Singapore and Brunei. It is a two-player board game, and each player will have seven houses plus one storehouse. Initially, there are seven seeds within the houses before both players distributing their own seeds in clockwise direction (i.e. known as sowing). During sowing, player will skip the opponent storehouse but not the player's own storehouse. Both players will start simultaneously during the first round. Player's turn is over when the final seed falls into an empty house. However, if the last seed falls into a player's own house that is unoccupied after one round of sowing, the player can remove the last seed and all the seeds in the opposite house into the player's own storehouse. If the house is occupied, then the player will continue sowing. Player will get a free turn if the final seed of sowing ends in the player's storehouse. Player who has collected more seeds is the winner.
Main features include:
★ A REAL Congkak gameplay.
★ Three types of gamemode.
★ Three levels of AI.
★ Six different colors of marble (blue, green, red, cyan, pink and purple).
★ Can play with your friend offline.
★ Automatic movement during sowing.
★ Traditional and relaxing music.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the game !