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Connext 1.3
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Thanks for making Connext the #1 Game in France!!!!
"Warning! Connext is the kind of casual game that can steal all of your time. You might forget about such basic human needs like food, water and basic hygiene." -
"(Connext) shows how a little ingenuity can turn old ideas into something truly new and interesting. A great casual game." -
Connext is a puzzle game that challenges you to connect individual spans to form longer and longer lines and loops. Clear spans from the playfield and score really big points by closing out loops!
You can change the colors of lines already on the playfield by connecting different colored spans, but it will cost you.
Connext is simple to pick up and play and can be enjoyed by the most casual user, but also provides a truly challenging and addicting experience.
Connext was designed to let you play at your own pace. You can always return to a game later by selecting continue last game in the main menu.
Listen to your iPod while you play. Turn off the sound effects in the options menu, or enjoy Connext's ticks and whirs over your favorite songs!