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Conquest 3.4
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The game now has 50 different maps to play on!
Conquest is a version of the classic board game where you combine risk and strategy to conquer the world. As well as the standard world map there are 35 other maps included in the game that you can choose to fight over.
You can play solo or multiple human games against the randomly selected computer controlled opponents, each with their own personality and strong artificial intelligence.
"I found myself playing this game constantly for a week; this game is super addictive" - Pocket PC Life
"5 out of 5 cows" -
"I challenge anyone to give this 30 minutes of his or her time and not become hooked. Kudos to Sean for providing a simple, clear and at times challenging game in such a small package. I’m certainly having problems putting my Pocket PC down now!" -
"Everybody should have at least one Risk clone tucked away on their hard drive. This one - Conquest - is the best I've come across" -
™RISK is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. Conquest is not associated with RISK or Hasbro in any way.
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