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Crazy Darts Zany Balloon Bustin Action 3.0
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•• #1 Overall App in Several App Stores Across the Globe! ••
Ready, aim, fire! Crazy Darts is back from the top of the pops and ready for more with all new graphics and tons of new features! Drag darts down with extra awesome elastic action and send them flying face first into an endless blitz of balloons! This rockin' arcade-style action game is sure to please gamers everywhere. Just relax and casually burst your boredom or shred oldschool, competing on a global scale with Game Center leader boards! Don't be fooled by these slick little darts, they pack a mean punch! Use your cunning to burst through tons of crazy cool patterns in clever and creative ways with the pull-back springy fling-y tossing mechanism!
Crazy darts now works on iPads, iPhone, and iPod touches, with stunning high-rez graphics and sound. Best of all, it's still free!