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Crazy Fighting Ko Killer 1.0.7
Screen Shots:
The hottest first person fighting game! ! !
The most realistic hitting effects and smoothest game control! ! !
This is the real battle between males! ! !
Only the strongest man can be the King of Fighters! ! !
Control the hero to fight against the enemy! ! !
You can beat everyone even the robot! ! !
You will be the King of Fighters! ! !
Super KO Fighting is a side-scrolling first person fighting game. You beat your enemy in the game to get rewards. The higher the rate you get after game, the more rewards you will get! Make more perfect combos and KO to get more rewards. There are 8 stages in this game. Different stage will give you different game experience. Some enemies are more aggressive in some stages, while some enemies are more defensive. So you should select correct battle methods to make your fight easier!
Boxing is a rhythmed game. Throwing punches will cost players’ energy, while combos will restore energy. So use combos reasonably to make your fight easier!
Use power-ups and skills to make your fight easier!
Game Play: Tap the left side of the screen to throw straight left; tap the right side of the screen to throw straight right!
Slide the screen from left to right to throw left hook; slide the screen from right to left to throw right hook!
Slide the screen from lower left to upper right to throw left uppercut; slide the screen from lower right to upper left to throw right uppercut!
Tap the L and R on the bottom of your screen to dodge leftwards and rightwards.
Double tap the screen to defend!
Use skills to restore the energy.
★★★★★ Magnificent visual effect
★★★★★ Smooth game control
★★★★★ Realistic movements simulation
★★★★★ Pleasant background music and sound effect
★★★★★ Huge system of power-ups and skills