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Dark Echo 1.2
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“Dark Echo is a brilliant, unique, and incredibly tense must-have masterpiece.” 5/5 - TouchArcade
“One of the creepiest and most creative horror games on the App Store.” 4.5/5 - 148Apps
“A masterful execution of minimalist design… play this with headphones, in the dark, alone.” - Indie Game Enthusiast
Trapped in darkness, you must use visualized sound to guide your way through threatening environments. The sounds you create will bounce off obstacles, revealing the shape of the surrounding world. It won't be long before your only way of sensing the world attracts a horrifying evil that devours both sound and souls.
Survive through 80 levels that will make your heart race and leave you with an irrational fear of red lines. A foreboding soundscape, best experienced with headphones, sets the tone for your journey. Explore, solve puzzles, and most importantly - stay alive.
No advertisements, no in-app purchases.
Designed for iPhone 4 and above.
* This game relies on the visualization of sound and cannot be played with audio only. It is not recommended for blind players.
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