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Death Rally 1.1.4
Screen Shots:
Played more than 120 million times by more than 11 million gamers worldwide!
Free to play for as long as you like with volutary in-app purchases. A thrilling career mode where you can upgrade your cars and weapons, enabling you to take on even more hard core opponents. Lock and load and enter the Death Rally, humiliate and destroy your opponents. You choose how you win, NO TRICK IS TOO DIRTY!
Brought to you by REMEDY, renowned developer of MAX PAYNE and ALAN WAKE! LOAD YOUR GUNS, START YOUR ENGINES... IT WILL BLOW YOU AWAY, LITERALLY! This is no Sunday Drive. This is DEATH RALLY.
Death Rally requires an Android device with:
- Multi-touch display
- OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics acceleration with the performance of Adreno205, Mali400, SGX540, Tegra2 or better
- ARM v7 compatible CPU
- Android operating system version 2.2 or later
- A total of 165MB on board installation space, not SD card
Successfully tested devices: Asus EEE Transformer Prime, HTC Desire HD, Sensation, LG G2X, Optimus Black, Motorola Atrix 4G, Droid 3, Photon, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy Note, Galaxy S, Galaxy S II, Galaxy Tab, Infuse, Nexus S, Sony-Ericsson Xperia Play
Common devices that are NOT SUPPORTED: HTC Aria, Chacha, Dream, EVO 4G, Explorer, Hero and Legend, Huawei Sonic, LG Optimus One (or Optimus 3G, C, M, S, T, U or V), LG Phonenix and Thrive, Motorola Droid/Milestone, Nexus One, Samsung Admire, Galaxy Ace, Galaxy Europa, Galaxy Fit, Galaxy Gio, Galaxy Mini, Galaxy PrevailĀ“and Galaxy Y, Sony-Ericsson Xperia and Xperia Mini.
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Death Rally is an original Remedy Entertainment IP.