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Deer Huntingin Jungle 1.2
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Deer Hunting in Jungle is a free android game, to focus on the most beautiful and addictive hobby of hunting deer. If you have ever been a hunter, or you have been shooter, it will really relax your mind.
There are different kinds of deer in the world, and, most deer are similar in shape, size and gender. The simple deer game we are offering is to shoot and hunt the deer, the deer will move around, and when they come in the center of your gun's aim, shoot them with accuracy.
you have to shoot more, collect them and count the most score you have been hunting in a spell. Your suggestion would be our great pleasure for the improvement and addition of near features time to time.
1. Best ever graphics and background
2. Multiple backgrounds with jungle, snow and bushes.
3. The natural sounds of deer and bullet.
4. High score and present score display on the top.
5. Easy to download, and small in size.
6. No connectivity required while playing.
7. Addictive, and kids loving.
All names, trademarks and images are copyright of their respective owners. The use of any names, copyrights, trademarks or photos have been used for Descriptive Purpose only and not to show endorsement or permission of use. This is completely unofficial, and created for fans.
This app is made by fans for fans, and it is for entertainment only.