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Denki Blocks Hd Free 1.2
Screen Shots:
"This is a game that demands pride of place on your iPhone." - 9/10 Eurogamer
"It's still simple, but bloody brilliant. You won't play many better than Denki Blocks" - 5/5 iPhone Gamer
"Denki Blocks truly succeeds as a puzzle game" - 4.5/5 FingerGaming
"Deep enough to hold your interest and keep you thinking long after most games would have been cleared out to make space for something newer" - 4/5 Square Go
See Denki Blocks! in action here:
The captivating iPhone puzzler 'goes native' on iPad. It's the same great experience but with an enhanced look to suit the iPad's sumptuous screen. Niiice.
Denki Blocks! is a puzzle game like no other. Slide sticky blocks around a board and join the same colours together to solve puzzles. BUT! There are two important twists that make this game so special:
1. All blocks not fixed or obstructed will slide.
2. Blocks of the same colour stick together when they touch.
This delicious FREE taster version of Denki Blocks! contains 16 puzzles to get you in the mood. The FULL version of Denki Blocks! features...
* Over 100 beautiful puzzles to enjoy, each hand-crafted for maximum pleasure.
* Beat clever Master Challenges such as making shapes and besting move or time pars.
* Complete over 100 Master Challenges to earn Denki Stars and open up secret puzzles.
* Enjoy our delightful audio or listen to your own soundtrack.
* Solve the puzzles to reveal pretty pictures.