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Dino Hunter Hd Silent Hills 1.3
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There used to be a time when the world was ruled by the dominion of Earth’s mightiest creatures ever. No living creature was able to challenge the reign of dinosaurs, huge monsters that raved rampage on Earth for thousands of years before falling deep into the Earth’s depths. All that’s left of their monstrosities is their minor remains.
But what if this prehistoric time comes back to raise havoc on Earth once more!!! Will the human race be ready to thrive if this wilderness was to return to our time!!!
Hunting reaches an all new level of dangers as you get thrown in the middle of the most hostile environment possible.
brings breathtaking graphics and stunning environments to the Android games platform. Venture into the extreme and dangerous era of the dinosaur hunt, where sniper shooting gets an all new different meaning.
Take on waves of violent t-rex monsters and survive for as long as you can. You are equipped with a sniper rifle and an arsenal of awesome powerups which might just be powerful enough to drive these ferocious enemies away.
◊ Kills hordes of dinosaur waves with guns and powerups
◊ Reach personal best scores in the Endless Mode of the game
◊ Use the device settings to assign sensitivity options
The next planned upgrade for ♦♦♦DINO HUNTER: SILENT HILLS♦♦♦ is scheduled with brilliant new updates and features
◊ A Wider array of assault weapons, crossbow, and powerups
◊ Players leaderboards integration
◊ New Game Levels and environments
◊Various other dinosaur categories
All characters and visuals created in the game are sole property of Muddy Apps©. Use and collection of any materials is subjects to the company’s Privacy Policy
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