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Dirty Kids Fun Kids Game 49.1
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OMG there is a lot of dirt and mud all over them, their hairs, clothes, body become so dirty so that's the time to start their makeover and get them clean and ready so they can become dirty again. The fun story in games start from where you remove your clothes and wash your dirty clothes in machine. Ops your teeth are so bad, lets wash them out and make them white again. Now time to play with your hairs and make them clean, smooth and silky again so let's wash them with the shampoo. Want to take bath too ? let's do it put soap all over your body and wash it out with shower. You feel your skin seems to be dry, put some scrub on it and we can make it smooth and fair again. So are you ready for spa saloon beauty fun?
Put some perfume on your body to give an extra feel in games.
So now you think you are clean and fresh enough so get dressed up again ? We have a wardrobe filled with latest fashionable dresses, shoes and other fashion add-ons waiting for you to come and have them. So let's just dress up again funny way, pick the matching shoes of your own choice, or maybe you could do it later when you are done with all other dressing. Select shoes, shirts, shorts, hairs styles of your own choice. Here comes the add-on part it may be different for boys and girls depending upon the character you have selected at the start of game. For boys its wide range of sun glasses available and for girls different beauty add-ons like hair catcher, purse, handbags etc available be to pick from the list and get ready again to go out.
Dirty Kids Makeover allows youto play dirt fun complete free, and get cleaned up and dress up again at the end. In dirty kids free makeover games you can experience all the washing, cleaning, spa saloon, beauty, dressing up at one place complete fun which is free.
????? FEATURES ?????
? AVATAR SELECTION: Select from three amazing kids
? WASHING: Put the clothes into the washing machine and start machine spinning to wash these dirty clothes.
? TEETH CLEANING: Use tooth brush along with tooth paste to wash the teeth.
? BATHING: Put shampoo on hairs to clean the hairs from dirt, mud and other bacteria and wash out hairs with the help of water shower above.
? CLEANING: Now place soap on your body to remove all the dirty material from your body in order to take complete shower and clean the body using water from shower above and become dirt free.
? CLEANSING: Lastly place the scrub cream all over your body to getsmooth, fresh dirt free skin again and wash out with shower at the end. We have made it a spa saloon for you.
? CREATE PERFUME: Now you have the option to select or create perfume of your own choice and place it on your body.
? DRESS UP: Here comes the dress up part, look more fashionable choose shoes, shirts, shorts, hairs and complete dresses from luxury wardrobe available, these wardrobe may have fashionable clothes options available for boys and girls depending upon the character you have selected at start.
? MAKEOVER: Now choose from different option available from the add-ons again depending upon the character you have selected at the start these add-ons are different for boys and girls, and get your beauty back.