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Earthen Contact Lite 1.0
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Earthen Contact is a fast paced arcade style game from azitechmobile.
Your objective is to run through the mission zone and collect the mission objects. At the end of each mission you will be rewarded with bonus points that reflect how quickly you completed the mission and how many lives you have left. Caution through each mission is highly recommended, They are full of dangers, lurking and spawning at random.
Shields are provided for protection and should be used wisely to aid in mission success.
The game has three difficulty levels, easy, medium and hard.
The easy level missions are designed for a leasurely game play experience and to allow the player to develop the necessary skills to tackle the harder levels. In the medium difficulty level the player stress levels will start to increase with the adrenalin pumping as you avoid rockets, projectiles and other nasty enemies.
For those of you brave enough to tackle the hard levels, well, good luck. Only a select few will have the skills, patience and determination to succeed in these hard missions.
Should you finish all the missions in the particular difficulty level, you will be able to submit your high scores for all to see.
From the developers, we hope you download and enjoy this game.
PS: Help support INDIE developers by buying their games.