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Farm Frenzy 3 Hd 1.3.1
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So you think you've mastered farming sims? Try running five exotic farms in one game! Farm Frenzy 3 challenges you to revamp farms from around the world that need your help! Conquer Farm Frenzy 3 and you may even find yourself president of the Farmer's Union!
The Frenzy goes global as you compete in 95 fast-paced levels in places like the South Pole, Africa, Russia, the Wild West, and the untamed jungle. Feed 30 wild and crazy animals including walruses, penguins and llamas, while protecting your farm from dangerous jaguars, lions and bears!
When you catch a predator, dress it in a silly outfit and sell it for profit! Once you've recovered from laughing at his absurd attire, return to the business of growing crops, raising animals, collecting goods, purchasing production facilities, upgrading your warehouse and transportation, and buying and selling vital farming supplies.
Can you beat the highest score on Game Center or OpenFeint and prove you're the best virtual farmer in the world?
There's also iPhone and Mac versions of this game! Check the App Store!
◇ 95 levels in five countries
◇ 30 animals, including five enemies
◇ 33 products to make
◇ 17 buildings and vehicles
◇ 16 trophies and achievements
◇ Game Center support
STILL NOT CONVINCED? Try the lite version for free by searching for "Farm Frenzy 3 HD Lite" in the App Store.
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