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Finger Rider Hd 2.1
Screen Shots:
Finger Rider is FREE for a limited time only!
********** ABOUT FINGER RIDER *********
How Long can you stay Online?!
Train your brain and have fun at the same time, that is our slogan in Finger Rider…
Finger Rider measures your skills through a very simple rule "Your finger should stay in line all the time!" Sounds simple, right? Yes… but only the professional players (call them Master Riders) can tell you how amazing it is to be able to practice to react faster and faster and have fun at the same time.
********** FINGER RIDER MODES *********
Ultimate Mode:
Play this mode to warm up. This mode has two elements to master,
- Coins: You can collect coins but should try to stay in line as well by using only one finger to do so!
- Speed: You'll speed up as you progress in game.
Top Speed Mode:
No coin to distract you, no total game score to worry about, only two things to master:
- Top speed, in this mode things will speed up fairly quickly, so stay calm, and stay focused.
Want to get our there and show the world how good you are? We have implemented GameCenter for you simultaneously to shout your skill to the world. There are more than 700 score points in each, so what are you waiting for?!
Enjoy fantastic Musics in Finger Rider by: Kevin MacLeod,
Don't forget to rate and review ==> Finger Rider
*************** YOUTUBE ***************
************** NEMO GAMES *************
- Tap Tap Remove (The most time killing game!)
- Enduro