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Five Fingers Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
A great new high-resolution game to show off your new iPad!
Tap anywhere on the screen to stab! Excite your friends as you deftly and quickly stab around your fingers as quickly as possible, racking up insane amounts of points in glorious high-resolution! To play, stab between the spaces of your fingers including the outside of your pinky and thumb without stabbing your fingers in this simple but addictive game. *WARNING* Blood will be spilled if you mess up!
The game features two modes! EASY is for beginners and puts the pen near the finger trips, giving you maximum safety. HARD cranks up the speed and puts the pen closer to your hand.
HI-SCORES are recorded for both EASY and HARD modes. See if you have what it takes to beat your highest score! HI-SCORES can be reset in the options menu.
-You can stab multiple times between each finger to really rack up the points!
-Use two fingers to increase your stab output!
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