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Flip Cup 1.1
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You have better things to do. As your friends, we just can't let you do that.
Your job, the economy, your relationships… come on, forget that, flip some cups! Simple, quirky, and oddly addicting, Flip Cup is the game of … wait for it … flipping cups. Land them face down for points, land them face up for points, bounce them off awnings, twang a ukulele, then land upon a Tiki statue for loads of points.
Sure, the world is calling, trying to cocoon you in beige; you can feel the cool drain away from your life. Well, not on our watch. Flip Cup will return the color to your cheeks, a swagger to your step, and you will adopt a devil-may-care attitude for untold seconds at a time.
Think of all the reality you need to stiff arm for awhile: global warming, the guy who drones on in meetings, completely overblown iTunes catalogue text … come on, forget that, flip some cups!
· Simple Controls
· Two Modes, Timed and Arcade
· Unlockables: Even more things to flip and hit
· 100% Worry Free
If you have better things to do, you urgently need to download Flip Cup now. Flip Cup: when life comes at you hard, flip it off. Mahalo.
Flip Cup is loosely based on the drinking game of the same name. If you like beer pong you might want try this out.