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Floating Space Rocks Free 1.7
Screen Shots:
How long can you last against the ever increasing number of space rocks? Armed with your finger and an auto-fire laser, your task is to destroy as many asteroids as possible.
1.7 Features
-No pay screen
-Two new bosses
-Full leader boards
-Practice stages
1.5 Features
-Modified game speed
-Weekly leader boards
-Bonus points for power ups
1.3 Features
-Performance improvements
-Improved graphics
-Power ups
-Top 50 Leader board
1.2 Features
-Bug fixes
1.1 Features
-High scores are now saved
-Post your high scores on Facebook
-Glowing rocks!
-Three new original techno tracks
-Increased game speed
1.0 Features
-Original techno music score
-Simple, intuitive control scheme
-Classic style graphics and particle effects