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Food Fight Deluxe 1.0
Screen Shots:
Have you ever had the urge to start a food fight in your cafeteria? Now you can start one on your Iphone, Ipod touch, or even your Ipad! Food Fight Deluxe is an amazing upcoming application and a must have for the Ipod touch, Iphone, and Ipad. In your journey across the cafeteria the goal is to hit as many opponents as you can with a wide selection of food. A large menu of player customizations adds never-ending fun to this application. While listening to a unique selection of background music, you will constantly be entertained during your fast and furious food fight.
How to Play:
Move your player around by tilting the screen, giving you the ability to dodge incoming food and switch your aim. Tap the screen to fire food at your enemies. Pick up several power ups along the way by moving your player towards the ammo lunch box and health signs.
**Several different hair colors and player customizations that add a personal touch to the game.
**High score menu that gives you the ability to upload your personal high scores online to compete with people around the globe.
**Choice of background music.
**10 and 20 kill streaks that allow you to earn power ups throughout your food fight.
**Health and ammo power ups that enable you to stay alive and keep your game going.