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Frantic Frankfurt 2.0.2
Screen Shots:
Now with multiplayer modes!
"You are bored of dragging solitaire, stucking tri peaks, tidious sudoku?
Go for world's most frantic speed patience with just 2 brainfreezing rules!
Do 100 cards in a minute leaving your friends saucer-eyed!"
Frantic Frankfurt for iOS is a free and simple game. It is based on the card game by Günter Burkhardt.
Try all the different game modes including:
• Training: to discover the game and the rules with your own personal trainer
• 60 Seconds: in case you don't have much time and want a really fast and exciting game
• 60 Cards: a relaxing mode where you try to discard all your cards without redrawing
• Endless: a mode for everyone who likes stress and fast discarding
• The Run: play as many cards as you can without redrawing
Play multiplayer with friends via Game Center or Bluetooth in 2 modes:
• 60 Seconds: Really Frantic!
• Endless: It takes some time to win great
You will see impressive drawings of places around Frankfurt.
Feature overview:
• Five unique game modes for different playing experiences
• 128 hand drawn cards
• 2 simple rules - but that is enough to twist your brain
• personal tutor giving you advice
• rescue helicopter in case you get stuck
• Game Center support with exciting achievements
• cool music and sound effects (can be turned off or replaced by iPod Music)