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Free Fall Game 1.0
Screen Shots:
The goal of this game is to get the highest score possible (we challenge YOU to get a score of 250 or more, if you manage this difficult feat, take a screenshot and email it to There are only two (major) catches to this game: first off, every time the ball hits a wall or the paddle, its speed increases, and second, the ball is constantly curving!
The background changes depending if it is night or day!
The screenshots are pretty descriptive, tap the screen to start a new game. The paddle follows the horizontal motion of your finger. Block the ball from reaching the bottom of the screen. Every time the ball hits a wall or the paddle, you get a point. Shaking the iPod Touch/iPhone will give a point bonus! Read on below to find out about the Shake Bonus. The "score" label displays your current score, while the "high" label denotes the highest score attained on your device!
The percent (starts at 0%) at the top right corner of the screen denotes the percent that the shake timer has recharged. Once it has recharged (a label saying "SHAKE!" appears), you can shake the iPod Touch/iPhone to start the ball in a random direction and get a 20-point bonus (the only down side is the ball moves considerably faster, but don't worry, the point bonus makes up for it).
We hope to add more features later on, including:
☣Facebook Connect
☣Better physics
If you have any suggestions for us, either comment or email it to (we will take suggestions more seriously if they are emailed). We will try and read all of our comments and consider them.
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