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Free Yorkies Extreme Expose It 1.0.0
Screen Shots:
Yorkshire Terriers or "Yorkies," are long sought after by the beautiful and elite! These little pups have great energy and grace and will always be a favorite with anyone.
Get your yorkie fix now and be able to bring it with you on the iPhone, iPod and iPad!
Download your copy today! Fill your yorkie puppy love with Yorkies! : Extreme Expose It!!!
Gameplay is very simple and easy to learn in the first 10 seconds! Great for everyone!
You must reveal the image hidden behind the mask.
You control the icon by swiping up, down, left or right anywhere on the screen. Create and connect your exposure lines to other ends of the frame.
There are BADDIES in the area so watch out! Avoid them when drawing your exposure line across the screen.
If you love Extreme Expose It! Then you will love all the other editions of Extreme Expose It! Check them out, you will love' em!
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