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Fsmemorygame 1.0
Screen Shots:
The objective of the game is to remember the sequences in which the buttons light up, and repeat the order. As you progress through the game it will increase in difficulty.
“What was his name,” “What street was it?,” “A predicate is.....” We all do it. We all have moments likes this. Where we forget things, a great way to combat this is by playing FSMemoryGame which helps with your memory recall. With beautiful graphics. You brain is a mussels will get a work out. By playing the game you should not only improve your memory but also your concentration.
FSMemoryGame features:
-Impressive graphics (Retro feel)
-Game Center Integration (Coming soon)
-A highly additive game
-Improves your memory & consternation
Feedback of the app:
‘. . .FREAKING AWESOME!!!’-Kieran Edmondson
‘I LOVE this app! Very well done!! I give it 5+ stars!’-by Gigglegog
“In a culture where you have so much information available at your fingertips it is useful to spend some time actually committing something to memory”
Download the app now and please give us opinions and ratings. Five stars keep the updates coming.