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Fun In Santa City_128x128
Screen Shots:
Fun In Santa City is all about a mischievous little boy who is trying to steal the gifts of Santa. Help the adorable cute boy to steal the gifts. You have to be very careful while stealing. Camera, Public and Santa are watching you, you have to do your job while they are doing their work. Make sure no one is watching you. There are various difficulty levels. You will find each level more challenging and interesting. There is a busy road and a lot of cars going past. It is very difficult to dodge them all. There will be an alarm which lets you aware a bit before someone watches you. Be very careful and look at everyone while doing your job as you have only 3 chances for stealing the gifts. If you have been caught red handed you will lose a chance. Complete the task before the time runs out and avoid being caught by Santa. Follow all the instructions and everything will be perfect. Enjoy this funny and exciting game with all naughtiness and have a great fun.