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Funny Tongue Twisters. 1.0
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Welcome to “Funny Tongue Twisters”. This iPhone application is a tongue twisting game for all ages, in which you simply have to choose a tongue twister, record it in a particular time, and hear how well you did it.
When most people think of tongue twisters a childhood image comes to mind: Attempting to recite a tricky rhyme or phrase as fast as possible without tripping over the verbal challenges and hurdles lurking within these tongue-tying sentences, such as Peter Piper Picked A Peck of Pickled Peppers.
Reading tongue twisters is one way to improve your English pronunciation. It's very difficult to say tongue twisters in English so don't worry if you can't do it very well at first, just have fun!
Game Instructions:
•Difficulty Level: Easy, Medium, and Hard
•Each difficulty level has its own time variable
•You will be given 15 seconds to record your twister in Easy mode, 40 seconds in Medium mode, and 60 seconds to record your twister in Hard mode
•You can read the twister as many times as you like during the recording time
•Once the timer ends, you can listen to your recording
•Once you’re done with recording, let your other friends hear and decide by giving remarks on how well you went