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Galaga 30th Collection 1.0.2
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This application does not currently support iOS 8.
Happy Birthday Galaga !
July 23rd 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of Namco's arcade shooting classic: "Galaga".
To commemorate the 30th anniversary, we've redesigned modernized REMAKES of all 4 titles in the Galaga series: "Galaxian", "Galaga", "Gaplus" (aka Galaga 3), and "Galaga '88", available NOW in one upgradable iOS application!
30 years of shooting game know-how on parade! Enjoy 3 powered-up Galaga-series remakes!
!!! Warning !!!
This application supports iOS 4.0 or greater, for below devices:
iPhone: 3GS or newer
iPod touch: late-2009 (3rd gen.) model or newer.
iPad: all hardware generations.
iPhone 3G and iPod touch 1st-/2nd-generation devices not supported.
If the game feels slow or sluggish:
-Ensure your device is updated to the latest iOS version.
-Restart the game after resetting your device (power off, then power on).
◆App Description
In this application, you can enjoy "Galaxian G 30th Edition" 100% FREE!
You can also enjoy the commerative 30th-anniversary opening-movie.
"Galaga G 30th Edition", "Gaplus G 30th Edition", and "Galaga '88 G 30th Edition" become available with in-app purchase.
◆Get the 30th Edition remakes NOW!Powered up for fans new and old alike!
・Experience the new Galaga!
All-new features include updated graphics, optimized touch-panel controls, and more!
・Upgrade your ship with new Galaga Points!
Earn Galaga Points when you play, and spend your Galaga Points on items to toughen up your fighter! Save your points up and customize your fighter into the meanest ship in the system!
・Aim for high scores with new SCORE ATTACK mode!
Defeat as many enemies as you can within the time limit to hammer out a new high score! Scores are compatible with the Game Center and can be shared on Facebook and Twitter.
※NOTE: "Score Attack Mode" is not available for "Galaxian G 30th Edition".
・Collect achievement pins!
Meet the right mission objectives, and you'll receive an achievement pin to prove that you've unlocked the related achievement. Complete your set across the whole game series!
◆Games Included:
・Galaxian G30th Edition
Born to the arcades in 1979, Galaxian is considered the 1st game of the Galaga series.
Destroy waves of fearless enemies attacking in curved paths of deadly precision.
・Galaga G30th Edition
This 2nd, eponymous, game in the Galaga series hit arcades in 1981, introducing the famed "Dual-Fighter" power up, more complex enemies, and bonus CHALLENGING STAGEs.
The most-loved series-favorite.
・Gaplus G30th Edition
This 3rd game in the series was released to arcades in 1984.
Fully Evolved Game System!Fan-loved series standout!
Feel the power as you blow away alien convoys with powered-up blaster-heads!
・Galaga'88 G30th Edition
This 4th game in the series was released to arcades in 1987, representing the pinnacle of fixed-screen space-shooting.
3-ship "Triple Fighter" power-ups. Chorus-line-style "Galactic Dancing" aliens. This humor-filled shooter is a joy to both play and experience!