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Giant Boulder Of Death 1.4.1
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**UPDATED with new content***
When a boulder holds a grudge, no one survives. Bowl your way down the mountain and destroy everything in your path. Crush villages, cars, yetis, golden cows, crush everything! From the creators of Robot Unicorn Attack 2 and Monsters Ate My Condo!
Check out the AMAZING new premium Heavy Metal theme!
• Meet our biggest, baddest avatar yet - Metal Boulder!
• Screamalicious new Heavy Yodel music!
• SUMMON your avatar of choice: The Original Boulder, Happy Holiboulder, Jack O'Boulder or Ms. Boulder
• STEAM through new goal trees specific to each boulder
• ANNIHILATE brand new objects in each theme
• CONQUER Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards!
• CRUSH legions of outrageous mortals, beasts and buildings
• SMASH through over 250 nail-biting goals to unlock over 100 destructible objects
• OBLITERATE your high score with boosts and upgrades
• DOMINATE your friends via Facebook. Connect and SMASH through their avatars!
WEAR your finest lederhosen with renewed pride and REVEL in the century’s most yodel-tastic (and FREE) gaming sensation!
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