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Gmo Busters Hd 1.4
Screen Shots:
***** : "..once you get to higher levels, you really see the creativity put into this game!"
***** : "We really enjoyed the gameplay and found the graphics and the art work to be high quality along with the pleasant background game music."
***** iBlast Moki : "I LOVE A CHALLENGE!!! If ur like me, ull LOVE this game"
***** T.Dog : "Very good game, seems there are so many games now where you catapult things into the air to knock stuff over, but this one stands out from the crowd. Very creative. Highly recommended
About Game
You smash Genetically Modified Organisms with healthy BIOs. It's a new generation addictive physic game, You toss, you cut, you use ninja stars and etc. actually you will love when you wipe out the ugly GMOs and save the beautiful mother earth from this nasty modified creatures !
%60 off prize for a limited time. Don't miss it.
* 3 packages about 150 amazing well designed levels. More packages are coming by your ratings. 16 levels are free for warm up.
* You have variety of BIO weapons like tomatoe, pepper, eggplant etc, each has its own unique ability to toss GMOs.
* Game system supports joint systems, motors and water buoyancy so levels are more challenging than ever !