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Gravity Guy Free 1.4.4
Screen Shots:
In a world where gravity laws were broken, a brave guy, was held captive for defying the rules. Not happy, he decided to escape, being the first one to run for his life flipping gravity at will.
• He became known as the Gravity Guy •
Being chased by Grav-troopers, Gravity Guy can't stop, he has to keep running and it's your job to guide him through an impossible world of mazes, flipping gravity when needed.
This fast paced and frustratingly addictive adventure features 12 challenging levels, and guarantees you many long hours of fun!
• Amazing Retina graphics
• Game Center Leader Boards and Achievements
• Multiplayer mode up to 4 players
• Two game modes Story and Practice
• Game music, which automatically switches itself off at start when playing other music on your iPod/iPhone
• Local+Global high-scores lists
• Interactive tutorial to learn how to play
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