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Great Adventures 1.2
Screen Shots:
During a ferocious snowstorm, a car carrying two passengers crashes into a snowdrift. Uninjured but stranded, the friends are relieved to discover shelter in an isolated luxury hotel complex hidden in the mountains. After investigating their stunning surroundings, the friends discover evidence hinting that a renowned scientist has been killed! The eccentric genius had developed an invention which could change the future of the human race for better or worse. However, someone has stolen it and the future of humanity is now at stake ...
Mystery fans are going to love this original and enchanting plot as they adventure around a unique world with hundreds of challenges and puzzles. Six charming characters are available for selection, each capable of performing unique tasks and offering their own puzzle solutions.
Don't forget to keep an eye on your little heroes! Ensure they eat enough, rest and relax and keep their satisfaction level high. If you forget, be prepared to wait a while as they perform their tasks slowly and with little enthusiasm.
An original concept, beautiful state-of-the-art graphics, a variety of puzzles and a realistic weather soundtrack will keep you entertained for hours!
A huge number of differing puzzles plus 15 individual mini-games, six characters and a load of Crystal achievements and items to find and collect. Great Adventures will keep you entertained for many hours!