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Gt Lurefishing Hd 1.2
Screen Shots:
Reel in those huge GT(Giant Trevally) hiding in the reefs!
Lure action, hooking and powerful struggles!
Players can enjoy realistic fishing rod operation by tilting the iPad!
Enjoy the experience of hooking big fish in southern waters!
Boat control is as simple as a tilt of the iPad!
Even from the boat, players can easily see the endless number of fish inhabiting the clear, emerald green ocean.
By tilting the iPad, players can control the fishing rod of characters in the game.
It feels like you're actually fishing!
An in-game "FIGHT" is a chance for players to enjoy grappling with the fish of the sea!
Players will enjoy struggling to catch barracuda, dolphinfish, GT hidden in coral reef and skipjack tuna that is chasing smaller fish.
We've also prepared a sonar system so that first-time players can also enjoy everything the game has to offer.
Use the sonar to search for big catch or follow sea birds to learn where the fish are at - how to fish is depending on you!
Weight and length measurements can also be changed between metric (kg/cm) and imperial (lb/in) units.
You can choose four beautiful maps!
House Reef,White Reef,Tuna Road,Blue Hole Reef
Boat operations and Rod operations can use by Touch. You can change at options.