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Half Dead 3d Shooter 2.0
Screen Shots:
Note: Version 2.0 is now available for immediate download!! This free update fixes most problems mentioned in reviews as follows:
- Added control overlay for easy reference.
- Added optional/alternate tilt controls.
- Improved performance (more frames per second).
- Falling anywhere in the water now restarts automatically.
Half Dead - 3D First Person Shooter
Behold, what is sure to become a favorite of iPhone gamers on the go. A slick 3D first person-shooter featuring a sleek and intuitive interface, Half-Dead brings the hair-raising intensity of this genre all in the palm of your hand through your iPhone or iPod Touch. Packing what you've come to expect from first person shooters with its competitive and aggressive AI, Half-Dead poses a great challenge with a high fun factor and great re-play value. Come see what all the buzz is about today!
Half-Dead is a first-person shooter which places a premium on time and efficiency. As you maneuver through the grim environment you will encounter fierce enemies who shoot first and ask questions later. Your goal is to engage and eradicate all the enemies in the shortest amount of time possible. And while these foes are mighty, there are strategically placed health kits to aid you in the struggle to defeat the enemy. However, nothing will replace a quick and accurate shot, so be sure to work on your marksmanship to complete your mission!
Half-Dead works on all generations of the iPhone, as well as the iPod Touch. (sound requires headphones on the touch)
Customer Comments:
"Very cool reminds me of playing death match games in college" - Mike M.
"Shoot. Kill. Kill. Kill.... I feel better now." -Tom P.
"Nice 3d engine, looks sharp." - Anon.
"Give me a rocket launcher!" - Paul T.
"I usually prefer World War simulations, but this is good." - Thomas T.
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