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Halloween Find The Pair 1.0.0
Screen Shots:
"Halloween Find The Pair" is a memory game designed for children of all ages, babies, preschoolers, school children and pre-teens but adults may also enjoy the game - fun for the whole family!
This educational and entertaining game develops recognition, memorization, concentration and motor skills of your kids.
The game offers two game modes:
Classic memory game
Rules are simple: match pairs as quickly and with the fewest mistakes as possible and get rewarded with candies which are used to unlock more tiles.
Quiz memory game
Watch the tiles for a few seconds and try to memorize them. The tiles turn and hide and you are offered a choice of three tiles to hit.
Can you guess which one hides under the question mark?
Main features of "Halloween Find The Pair"
★ Halloween theme
★ colourful and vivid HD graphics with nice animations
★ cute background music and sound effects
★ four difficulty levels (baby, easy, medium, hard)
★ clear and simple user interface
★ designed for both, phones and tablets
★ two game modes
★ collect candies to unlock additional tiles
About Halloween
Halloween or Hallowe'en also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It initiates the triduum of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers. Within Allhallowtide, the traditional focus of All Hallows' Eve revolves around the theme of using "humor and ridicule to confront the power of death."