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Hungry Shark Part 3 3.2
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Sink your teeth into the most exciting Hungry Shark™ Yet!
Over 20 Million Players on iOS!!
Hungry Shark™ Part 3 is the super-addictive sequel to the top selling iPhone game.
Part 3 contains an underwater volcano complete with an evil genius' secret lair, Enemy Sharks, Massive Oil Rigs, Underwater Oil Slicks, Shark Finners, the mythical Kempy Bass plus more than 20 other new creature types to feast upon.
Press Reviews: 5/5 5/5 90/100 4/5
Game features:
Full HD support for Retina displays
More than 25 new types of food and enemies
Massive all new game world
Full use of Tilt controls + alternate touch controls
Combo eating bonuses
Lost objects from the world above, find them all for big points
Hiscore tables: Private and Global, Last 24hrs, Your Country
Unlock achievements by completing 20 challenges!
Game Center support - show off your achievements and leaderboard scores to other Game Center friends!