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Hunting For Zombie Easter Bunnys 1.3
Screen Shots:
The Easter Bunnies from your parents past have come back as the living dead! They may be cute, and lovable but they are ANYTHING but cuddly, they're out to eat your brains, and can only be put back in the ground if you help them find all of their missing body parts!
Search the 3D interactive environment (3 story house) for torn off bunny ears, heads, and feet. Find them all in time or face being eaten alive by the Zombie Bunnies!
Large house with interactive furnishings. (Throw the TV off its stand, tip objects over, throw couch cushions across the room while looking for Bunny parts underneath them.
Open up cabinets, drawers, look in the garage, the Zombie Easter Bunnies have body parts torn off and hidden everywhere. Its up to YOU to find them all and save both you and the Zombie Bunnies!
Front yard and backyard complete with Treehouse coming in next update!