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I Dig It Expeditions 1.3
Screen Shots:
"This game surpasses many titles on both DS and PSP" - Go! Go! Mob,
"Without hesitation, we say buy this game." - Slide To Play,
"I Dig It Expeditions takes the same popular formula of the original and improves upon it in nearly every way imaginable" - Touch Arcade,
"Graphics and sound are downright excellent. If you played the original, this game bests it." -
"It’s a fun throw back to old school gaming with enough modern wrinkles to keep it on my iPhone..." - Games Plus Blog
Touch Arcade 4.5/5 Best Games Nov. '09
Slide To Play 4/4 Score
Go!Go! Mob Award
Pocket Gamer 9/10 Gold Award
Embark on an epic adventure with the fantastic digging machine. Travel the world in search of ancient artifacts, lost civilizations, and unimaginable treasure.
Manage fuel, temperature, damage, cargo space, oxygen, etc while searching for underground diggins. Sell your rare collection of artifacts to earn cash. Use cash to upgrade your digging machine, make repairs, or purchase additional supplies. Discover new hazards, such as ocean currents, methane gas pockets, geo-thermal vents, and a new species unknown to man...
Featuring 4 unique locations around the world:
* Mid-West United States
* Antarctic tundra
* South American Amazon
* South Asian Ocean
* 6-10 hours of game-play in the campaign
* Plus hours of additional challenges
* Freeplay mode
* Save checkpoints along the way
* New full screen map to chart your underground tunnels
* Dozens of new supplies available to help along the way
* New inventory screen to manage your diggins and supplies