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Interstellar Wars 0.0.11
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Interstellar Wars
Interstellar Wars is a game totally free spacecraft
Interstellar Wars is the space arcade game for Android! Fly through the space and destroy waves of attacking aliens! Be prepared for the ultimate battle!
The galaxy is under attack and only your piloting can save us! Fast paced arcade style gameplay gets you into the action fast! A merciless alien race've Their sights on our planet in September, and the only opposition left is you! Pilot your ship-through the galaxy blasting an alien race to pieces all in gorgeous easy control!
Interstellar Wars is a fast-paced top-down space shooter perspective game.Viaje free through space, shooting aliens and win in the adventure. Be prepared for the final battle and try to keep alive! Try to eliminate the enemy ship.
Interstellar Wars is an action game in perspective shoot'em'up top to down. Is completely free .This game is fun, challenging and does not Contain blood or gore. Alien invaders produces special effects and play the role of the invaders. This galactic invasion Takes You from galaxy to galaxy, the next galaxy unknown and the last galaxy cleaned of invaders.