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Island Tribe Hd 1.6
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Get ready for exciting adventures and real challenges in this HD adaption of a widely popular PC game called Island Tribe, now optimized for iPad!
Island Tribe HD is a perfect game to play on your device that combines a well balanced mix of strategy, time management, and adventure into one package!
You find yourself on a mysterious island in the middle of the ocean inhabited by a forgotten tribe. The islanders lived a carefree and quiet life and everything seemed to be perfect… until one day a great volcano woke up. As the sky spewed lava and ash, the villagers abandoned their homes and ran for their lives! Help the settlers reach the ocean before the great volcano strikes its final blow in Island Tribe, a fun Strategy game!
- pick-up-and-play type of game
- incredible action and fast-paced gameplay
- 30 challenging levels in 3 colorful episodes
- eautiful HD graphics and animations
- strategy and time management gameplay
Make all haste you can! Escape from a doomed island!
Grab it while you can, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!
Enjoy Realore Games at
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