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Jumpin Jack Puzzle Game 1.3
Screen Shots:
Do not misread this as an only for kids game!. Jumpin Jack is an Ultimate Brain Booster Puzzle Game For All Ages ! We Guarantee you will love it ! :)
Get into the journey with Jack who is your Jump Master. Solve puzzles by simply jumping and matching the pattern on 3D squares. But wait!! It is not that easy!! Jack’s life depends on how fast you jump and how quickly you can react to the randomly opening sinkholes. Your game score is measured by the “Jack Meter”. The quicker you complete the game the higher your score will be on the “Jack Meter”.
Here are a few Highlights:
• Very Simple to Play & Understand, yet very challenging with hours of game play.
• You can choose from 9 different 3D Jacks and change it whenever you want during different levels
• A staggering 120 levels and many more levels in development
• Replay any level - beat your last score and increase your overall score
• Unique Arcade Console style game layout
• LIVE Ranking. Create Your Profile, Check your Jack Meter & Compete with rest of the World
• View the 100 fastest and smartest of all Jumpin Jacks worldwide & beat their scores
• Take your picture, give your Jack a name and share your Jack Meter on Social Media
// Jumpstart Your Day With JJ //