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Keymaster 10 3.1
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KeyMaster 10 turns you iPhone or iPod into a wireless ten-key number pad for your Macintosh Computer.
KeyMaster 10 provides the numbers 0 thru 9, plus, minus, divide, multiply, backspace and enter keys.
KeyMaster 10 Requires: a Macintosh Computer (at least 10.4) with open (unfirewalled port :8080) and iPhone or iPod (3.0) connected to the same Wireless (WiFi) LAN.
1. Download, Install, Launch KeyMaster Mac 3 on your Mac. (Make sure to delete/uninstall any previous versions first.)
2. Now, Launch KeyMaster 10 on your iPhone or iPod and open the Info Settings Panel.
3. Enter the Computer Name and Pass Code displayed in the KeyMaster Mac Window into the Info Settings Panel on your iPhone or iPod.
Normal Operation: KeyMaster 10 will automatically connect to your computer. Status LED now blinks green. Steady Yellow indicates stalled WIFI network or computer.
KeyMaster Mac may be installed as an automatic login item to launch on login every time.
Get KeyMaster Zoom, KeyMaster F1 and Flight Sim and add a wireless magnifier/accelerator, function keys and F-16 Joystick/Master Control Panel for Google Earth Flight Simulator to your Mac.