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Kung Fu Monk Oolongs Quest Hd 1.1
Screen Shots:
Oolong is a kung fu monk on a perilous mission to bring General Ginsu to justice and rescue his friend, Princess Meri. Kung Fu Monk features gorgeous rendered graphics, a cinematic story, a heart pounding musical score, breaking challenges, star tossing, and OpenFeint powered leaderboards. KungFu Monk is iPad and retina display compatible, too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once upon a time, there was an orphaned princess named Meri. The king and queen had been killed in a palace coup, but a group of kind monks had rescued her and raised her in a beautiful temple.
General Ginsu had done away with Meri's parents when she was an infant. The temple was secluded, but it was only a matter of time before he found her. Meri was now grown up, and Ginsu became obsessed, not with killing her, but with having her as a bride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
✓ take out enemies with powerful kicks and punches
✓ fry foes with fireballs
✓ bodyslam evil ninja and soldiers
✓ leap over bottomless pits
✓ swim through a shark infested lake
✓ slay bloodthirsty zombies in an ancient Chinese graveyard
✓ climb cliffs while beset by hungry hawks and falling boulders
✓ rescue Princess Meri from a booby trapped dungeon!
Visit the support site through the convenient in-game "NB" button for strategy tips and more.