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Labymania 1.43.421
Screen Shots:
★ LabyMania was recently nominated "Nordic handheld game of the year"
❞ the iPhone App Review: "Labymania is a great puzzle game for people who don’t mind a mental workout" - rating: 9 out of 10!
❞ Politiken (biggest danish newspaper): "The idea behind LabyMania is brilliant, the design is testimony of devoted craftsmanship. […] It is a masterpiece." - rating: 6 out of 6!
❞ Touch arcade: LabyMania is elected Hidden Gem (November 2009)
❞ User experience: "Totally enjoyable! Stellar game"
★ LabyMania has achieved #1 board game, #1 puzzle game and #10 BEST-SELLING GAME in Denmark!
★★★ LABYMANIA+ ★★★
LabyMania+ is the iPad-ready version of the successful LabyMania (on iPhone, it is identical to LabyMania). LabyMania is a fun, addictive and challenging puzzle game for iPhone and iPod touch.
The challenge is simple: Manipulate your way through the labyrinth to collect the treasures. You can play alone, against up to 3 of your friends, or try to beat the LabyManiac artificial intelligence.
Although it is a simple game, LabyMania offers hours of fun, head-scratching and bewildering trials to find and construct your way through the ever-changing labyrinths!
Go to to see a video of the game.
★★★ FEATURES ★★★
➔ An easy-to-follow tutorial describes the game mechanics and twists.
➔ Single player brain-teasing puzzles.
➔ Partyplay against up to 3 of your friends.
➔ Challenge the LabyManiac artificial intelligence with 4 different skill levels.
➔ Original atmospheric graphics and sound.
➔ Ingame help.
➔ Share your progress with your friends via Facebook or Twitter.
☛ Get LabyMania now - or try out LabyMania FREE!
Updates will follow regularly: More levels - more fun! More languages will be available, as well as additional skills levels for the LabyManiac artificial intelligence. Undo is almost complete, so it will be safe to mess up a little.